Teams from academia, industry, and government laboratories are welcome to apply to become AQT users. In collaboration with AQT’s expert team, testbed users have full access to hardware and software, participate in its evolution, and advance the science and engineering enabled by quantum computing.

Details on requirements, scope, and application process are available in the User Letter of Intent and Proposal Guide. Information about the AQT resources available to users can be accessed at AQT Capabilities.
AQT reviews and approves Letters of Intent on a rolling basis. As a first step, please submit your Letter of Intent through the LOI Webform.

Seeking to publish in top peer-reviewed scientific journals, the experiments at AQT are tailored to the needs and specifications of the externals users at no additional cost.

New generations of students and researchers are being trained every day at AQT to leverage superconducting quantum electronics and processors, quantum algorithms and simulations, and so much more. The testbed user program provides complete access to all levels of quantum processing experiments and hardware for deep collaborative research, opening more opportunities for the sharing and dissemination of knowledge with the broader research community.

AQT operates an open-access experimental testbed designed for deep collaboration with external users from academia, National Laboratories, and industry. Seeking to publish in top peer-reviewed scientific journals, the experiments are tailored to the needs and specifications of the users at no additional cost.