Quantum Nanoelectronics logo_QNL_UC Berkeley_AQT collaborator

The Quantum Nanoelectronics Laboratory (QNL) at the University California, Berkeley investigates the quantum coherence of condensed matter systems ranging from single-quantum devices, such as squeezed states in high-Q cavities, to engineered many-body quantum states of microwave light which can be used to study quantum thermodynamics…

Quantum mechanicsĀ  is one of the most thoroughly tested and successful theories in the history of science to explain the properties of atoms and light. It is also one of the most controversial ones. For over 80 years, quantum mechanics has stirred up deep debate amongst physicists, in particular about the notion that an object can be in a coherent superposition of two states simultaneously.

Quantum Nanoelectronics logo_QNL_UC Berkeley_quantum simulation group Quantum Nanoelectronics logo_QNL_UC Berkeley_advanced measurement group Quantum Nanoelectronics logo_QNL_UC Berkeley_quantum architecture group

Cryogenic Technologies

Quantum Nanoelectronics logo_QNL_UC Berkeley_gold wafer

QNL Publications

Quantum Nanoelectronics logo_QNL_UC Berkeley_group members_Noah Goss