Experimental breakthrough in quantum universal gate sets. Researchers at the Advanced Quantum Testbed (AQT) at Berkeley Lab demonstrated a native three-qubit logic gate (iToffoli gate) on a superconducting quantum information processor that’s novel, easy-to-implement, and with high-fidelity (98.26%).
The team’s experimental data was published in Nature Physics this May.
Continue to read how the team’s demonstration adds a robust single-step three-qubit native gate for universal quantum computing, allowing researchers to run any quantum algorithm.
Access the official news release here.
AQT is a state-of-the-art collaborative research laboratory for quantum information science and technology based on superconducting circuits. It is funded by the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Office of Science Advanced Scientific Computing Research program. In addition, the laboratory operates an open-access experimental testbed for users.