This October, the Advanced Quantum Testbed at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (Berkeley Lab) partnered with the K-12 STEM Education and Outreach program for a career talk featuring Ravi Naik. Naik is the measurement lead at AQT and a research scientist in the Quantum Information Science & Technology (QuIST) group at the Applied Mathematics and Computational Research Division.

K -12 programs at Berkeley Lab reach out to the community by inspiring young people from various backgrounds about the expansive world of STEM. As part of the diversity, equity, and inclusion initiatives at Berkeley Lab, K-12 STEM programs provide opportunities to support the next generation of scientists. 

Naik shared his background, from studying physics early in his teenage years to discovering quantum information science and the evolution of his current role at AQT. Attendees were also given a virtual 3D tour of AQT powered by Matterport software.

Click here to watch the presentation,

AQT is a quantum computing testbed at Berkeley Lab based on one of the leading technologies at the moment, superconducting qubits.   Users, startups, and researchers across the United States and the world conduct their quantum computing experiments on the AQT testbed.