The high-level goals of QPU design revolve around generating multi-qubit devices with a modular architecture. Entanglement then has to be efficiently generated within the chip and passed onto classical circuitry.

  • Flexible choice of qubit/qudit devices
  • Different Connectivity Graphs
  • Suite of Entangling Gate Sets
  • High-Fidelity Operation
Advanced Quantum Testbed (AQT)_projects_quantum processor development_high q resonators

Enable higher qubit coherence and QPU performance:
Unique material and quantum device characterization capabilities

State-of-the-art, world class fabrication facility

History of advanced quantum design successes

* Work leveraging BES support

Advanced Quantum Testbed (AQT)_projects_quantum processor development_josephson junction optimization

Realize fast high-fidelity gates with tunable couplers:
On or near-resonance gates with tunable and fixed frequency qubits and couplers

Parametric gates with tunable and fixed frequency qubits and couplers

CR gates with fixed and tunable frequency qubits

* Work leveraging ARO support